Virginia Bluebells

It’s impossible to find a vignette that encapsulates Becky. What stands out to me was her ready, nuanced, and crafty sense of humor as well as her ultra kind and welcoming creative self all wrapped into one incredible mom, lawyer, and coach. She could figure out a way forward out of any crummy or complicated situation, often with a little humor. I would look back at my texts or think back on a conversation and go in for a second laugh – or maybe my first, if it had gone over my head the first time. But there’s one time of the year that always reminds me of Becky, Paul and Matt: Thanksgiving.

Becky welcomed me to the family when I was in Sophomore year of college dating her nephew. I soon learned just how big and inclusive a Thanksgiving dinner could be with college athletes, friends, and family all coming together to celebrate. The more the merrier. Antique tables stretched out the entire length of the living room and warm sides and entrées were set out on the kitchen island and counters to accommodate everyone. As was Becky custom, every morsel was cooked and baked from scratch and ready to go due to her infallible planning. We even had time to make adorable mini animal statues out of food – think mouse made out of sweet potato sitting on the ready by the cheese. I think back to these delicious and beautiful feasts and laugh when I can’t even get a single side and entrée to be ready at the same time. Becky could pull most anything off with an air of ease and enjoyment and find a place to add her elegant style. The preparations were relaxed with time for runs, munching and stories. The ambiance, food, wine and company – including close up wild life (but not the deer!) getting their fill in the garden – couldn’t be beat. We miss her dearly.

— Maria
