
I have known Becky since 1979 or 1980 when she first visited Dartmouth.  I enjoyed meeting her and was happy when she joined us as a Dartmouth student a couple of years later.  She quickly became part of my inner circle of friends we called the “cooking group”.  Most of us lived in the Choates dorms which were universally considered subpar by most of the campus and universally loved by those who lived there.  We had a shared kitchen, and 5 to 7 of us met every night during term to cook and eat dinner together.  I think we must have watched every episode of Mash on the shared TV in the dining space, and we probably watched most episodes at least twice.   A few of us had cars, and we bought our groceries together too.  The cooking group interactions forged my closest friendships from Dartmouth, and Becky is one of my favorites.  She could conjure magical cake in her dorm room using a tiny toaster oven.  Her kindness went to great lengths sometimes, including insisting that a couple of us doing the “death march” (50 miles on trails in 24 hours) let her know when we made it back on campus so she would know we were safe.  Becky had homemade soup ready at midnight when we dragged ourselves back to the Choates, and that was exactly what we needed.  I remember once when Becky got bruised by a car door pinning her when she stopped a car from sliding on an extremely icy parking lot.  Her injuries were minor, and the car was saved from serious damage.  Becky’s formidable strength saved the day.  I was very happy to attend Becky’s and Paul’s wedding because they are two of the nicest and smartest people I know and obviously very much in love.  I am very glad to know Becky.

Mark Franklin
